This is me – Yana Frank (Miu Mau)!
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Don't throw away tattoo (set of 4)

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Product Details

Temporary tattoo

This temporary tattoos are non-toxic, and can be used by adults and kids from 3 years old.

Instruction how to apply our temporary tattoos from Yana Frank on Vimeo.


1. Skin should be clean, dry, and free of makeup.

2. Remove clear top sheet.

3. Press tattoo, design facing down, onto skin.

4. Press border lines.

5. Hold wet napkin against back of tattoo. Press down and make sure to wet it thoroughly.

6. Wait 30 seconds, then peel off paper backing.

Please also see video here showing how to apply the tattos!


The tattoos look best the first 2 days. Please don't rub it the first 30-45 minutes after you applied it! You can bath and take showers with the tattoos and even gently rub it with a sponge with soap. But be carefull after shower! Don't rub the tattoos on wet skin with a towel, just dab it gently.

Depending on skin type and where they are paced the tattoos stay up to 5-7 days.


Please don't try to remove this temporary tattoos with dissolvers, nail polish remover or similar stuff. Don't bother your skin! The base of this tattoos is gum and gelatine, so it can be removed mechanically. Just rub with a dry towel or napkin after shower. Or remove with a stripe of tape.

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